Why pre-orders are not just anticipation?

Sustainable consumption of fashion doesn't just mean that customers shop consciously, but also that manufacturers produce in an environmentally friendly way. We regularly write articles on topics that are close to our hearts , such as materials , our seamstresses or production processes . To take a further step in our sustainable production, we are very happy to introduce the Pre-Order category this year. As the name suggests, it's about pre-ordering clothes. But what exactly does that mean and why do we do it?
Fashion like in grandma's time
The pre-order concept is intended to solve problems in the textile industry: the customer orders the items she wants before production begins. This allows us to purchase fabric accordingly, plan quantities precisely and avoid warehouses full of unsold goods. What sounds innovative is not actually that new. In the past, clothes were ordered from a tailor, where a waiting time of several weeks was a given. That's the way it is with us too. You have to wait for pre-order items. But for a really high-quality item, you're happy to be patient. We call it anticipation !
Fast Fashion and Overproduction
Throwing away clothes before we even wear them? Sounds absurd, and it is. In Germany, around 390,000 tons of textile waste are generated every year, or to put it another way: 230 million items of clothing that have been fully produced end up unsold in the trash in Germany alone.
These figures refer to 2019 and 2020, which means that the drop in demand caused by the pandemic is not even included here. These mountains of waste are the result of the fashion industry's constant overproduction. Large corporations often produce more than is needed because they try to predict trends, reduce production costs due to volume and increase their sales. This does not only apply to fast fashion labels. Luxury brands have also made headlines in the past when clothing was destroyed in order to avoid the risk of driving down prices through too much supply.
Sustainability through Planning
We at NINA REIN have set up a pre-order section in our online shop for this year's summer collection. Pre-orders help us to buy exactly as much fabric and produce as many pieces as we really need. We can produce exactly what our customers want . This way we build up little stock and act in a much more environmentally friendly way. This planning also gives us the opportunity to offer competitive prices.
You can be sure that your favorite item in your size will arrive at your home on the agreed date. The problem of sold out colors or sizes is solved. A win-win situation for both sides!
appreciation for the product
Conscious, considered shopping and the willingness to wait for quality goods are one way customers can contribute to sustainability in the fashion industry. Clothing must once again become a valued and high-quality product that we take care of instead of throwing away. Fashion should be fun and stay with you for a long time without harming the environment.
Check out the pre-order page and get excited for summer!
If you are unsure about your measurements and would like to know which cuts and pieces are right for you, we have an article on how to take the right measurements for you.