Copy of About (as of January 23)
Interview video Nina Rein_6_subtitlesmov from NINA REIN on Vimeo .
How did this come about?
It all started with the company's founding in 2018. As a trained fashion designer, Julia worked in design for various companies after her studies. When her son was born, she began to deal with the topic of sustainability. At first only with food, but then Step by step, in other areas of life too. For Julia, conventional textile production simply no longer made sense.
When Julia wanted to work in design again, she was looking for a suitable company. The company had to meet Julia's requirements not only in terms of design, but also in terms of quality and environmental awareness. After Julia could not find a brand that met all her criteria, she quickly became the founder. NINA REIN is dedicated to a special approach to our clothing. True to the motto:
"You don't have to look eco-friendly to save the world"
New to the team since 2020 is Susanne, who previously worked internationally in sales and marketing in various fashion companies. She also lacked environmental awareness in conventional fashion. While looking for a new challenge in the field of sustainable fashion, Susanne found out about NINA REIN and contacted Julia. She could immediately identify with the brand's philosophy and wanted to be part of the project. Susanne and Julia both love fashion, but do not want to harm the environment or people with it.
"We want to change the fashion industry, create a new awareness in society and make clothing a valued product again. Away from fast fashion and the throwaway mentality that currently prevails."

Photo credits: Stefan Friedrich Mayr
The change will only succeed if many people participate. Julia and Susanne convince people of this again and again at talks and conferences. "It's not about one person doing everything perfectly, but about many people doing as much as they can and want to."
With this vision, they are continuing to develop the NINA REIN brand together. Always in line with their values: sustainable - by women for women.
So that our world will still exist tomorrow 🖤