vier zusammentreffende Hände


Code of Conduct

Wir arbeitet nach hohen ethischen, sozialen und umweltschonenden Werten. Auch unsere Mitarbeiter und Lieferanten halten sich an ethische und gesetzlich korrekte Lieferketten.

Als kleines Unternehmen ist es für uns leicht, nach unseren eigenen Werten und Prinzipien zu handeln. Wir wollen jedoch nicht nur uns selbst, sondern auch unsere Mitarbeiter und Lieferanten dazu motivieren, unseren Werten entsprechend zu handeln. Aus diesem Bedürfnis nach ethisch, gesetzlich korrekten und nachvollziehbaren Lieferketten, haben wir einen Code of Conduct erarbeitet, den wir all unseren Geschäftspartnern zur Unterschrift vorlegen.

Unser Code of Conduct stellt sicher, dass wir in all unseren Geschäftsbeziehungen die höchsten Standards in Bezug auf ethisches Verhalten, Umweltschutz, Menschenrechte und Arbeitsbedingungen einhalten.

NINA REIN Verhaltenskodex - Code of Conduct

Business partners’ statement

These guidelines for conduct and ethics apply to both the management and employees of Julia Ickert (Einzelunternehmen) (so called NINA REIN) and serve as a prerequisite for all our business relationships. The ethical guidelines described in this Code of Conduct are based primarily on the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the ILO conventions, the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women as well as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
The NINA REIN Code of Conduct sets out only the minimum standards. These minimum requirements should be exceeded wherever possible. NINA REIN business partners must ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct within their own organizations and by all subcontractors involved in production processes for NINA REIN products. NINA REIN reserves the right to put forward additional or more specific requirements and conditions related to sustainable development, e.g. on use of chemicals. General principles, rights and legislation
The undersigned organization undertakes to comply, in all its business activities and decisions, with the applicable laws and other relevant provisions (e.g. minimum social standards) in those countries in which it operates.

Principles of social compliance:
(1.) Child labour
Child labour is not tolerated by the undersigned organisation. The undersigned organisation adheres to the United Nations regulations on human and children’s rights and complies with the agreement on the minimum age at which employment is permitted (ILO Convention No. 138) and the agreement on the prohibition and the implementation of immediate measures to eliminate the worst forms of child labour (ILO Convention No. 182).
(2.) Forced labour
The undersigned organisation does not accept any form of forced labour, bonded labour, or slave labour. All employment must be on a voluntary basis and be based on forms of employment which comply with national laws and practices.
Employees must not be required to deposit their identification papers or have them withheld. Direct or indirect measures to prevent employees from leaving the organisation or the manufacturing site are prohibited.
(3.) Discrimination
The undersigned organisation undertakes, within the context of the applicable rights and laws, to counter all forms of discrimination. This refers to discrimination against employeesbasedongender, race, disability, ethnicorculturalbackground, religionorbeliefs, age, parentship or sexual orientation.
(4.) Disciplinary measures
All employees have the right to be treated with respect and dignity. All forms of physical, psychological, sexual or verbal penalisation and coercion as well as all forms of abuse and intimidation are prohibited. Disciplinary measures may be applied only in accordance with national laws and internationally recognised human rights.
(5.) Fair terms of employment / freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
The undersigned organisation adheres to its employees’ right to freedom of association, and in particular the right to form organisations of their own choice, to join such organisations and to enter collective bargaining. In situations where rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining are restricted, employees must be granted other opportunities for independent and free association and collective bargaining. Employees’ representatives must be protected against discrimination and guaranteed free access to employees at their workplace.
(6.) Working hours
The undersigned organisation will adhere to working hours which are in accordance with the applicable laws and industrial standards. Weekly working hours must not regularly exceed 48 hours and must not exceed 60 hours including overtime. Overtime must be worked only on a voluntary basis. Employees are entitled to one free day after every six consecutive days of work.
(7.) Wages
The undersigned organisation will guarantee that the wage paid for a normal working week will in all cases equate to the minimum standard stipulated by law or by sector provisions. Employees must receive all the benefits stipulated under national legislation (e.g. insurance contributions, additional pay, etc.). Employees must be guaranteed to receive a comprehensible indication of their salary and additional payments at regular intervals and in an understandable form.
Salaries must be paid in accordance with normal local practices. Unauthorised deductions from salary and deductions applied as a disciplinary measure are not permitted.
(8.) Working environment and health and safety
The undersigned organisation must provide employees with a safe and hygienic working environment and, where appropriate, living conditions.
Health and safety in the workplace provisions and processes must be introduced and communicated to employees to prevent accidents and injury while at work or as a consequence of using business facilities. All applicable national working conditions stipulations must be adhered to.
(9.) Information provided to employees
This Code of Conduct must be freely accessible to all employees and be available in hard copy and understandable in the relevant national language.

(10.) Bribery and corruption
The NINA REIN does not tolerate any form of corruption or bribery, either by direct or indirect means, in the form of money, gifts or other unfair benefits. The organisation and its employees must refrain from all conduct which would result in personal dependencies or manipulation. Employees are not permitted to abuse their position to guarantee unfair advantage of a personal or commercial nature. They must not bestow inappropriate gifts upon business partners and must cease making such gifts to officials and other government employees. Employees may accept only lowvalue gifts where there is no question of the recipient (potentially) being manipulated.
(11.) Inspections
The organisation shall make one or more of its management employees responsible for monitoring compliance with said standards at its operational and production sites. This includes the sites of subcontractors acting as suppliers to NINA REIN. These checks must be conducted on an annual basis at minimum, and compliance with the standards set out in the Code of Conduct must be documented at least once per annum on the enclosed sheet (Compliance Certificate) which is then issued to the designated NINA REIN
employees. NINA REIN retains the right to carry out, or to instruct authorised third parties to carry out, checks on business partners or their subcontractors without prior notice. This includes checking equipment, offices and records which serve as evidence of compliance with the standards. If authorised inspectors are prevented from performing such checks or denied the opportunity to pose questions, this equates to a clear contravention. NINA REIN undertakes to take action where an inspection establishes a contravention of the standards stipulated in the Code of Conduct.
(12.) Environment
The undersigned organization shall comply with the applicable laws, regulations, and administrative practices for the protection of people and the environment of the countries in which they operate. NINA REIN should generally conduct their business in a manner that contributes to the overall objective of sustainable development. Suppliers should manage all significant potential and actual impacts on the external environment in relation to the areas of impacts addressed by the principles in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. The Company shall strive for the continuous and longterm improvement of their environmental performance by promoting the introduction of appropriate technologies and production processes that enable the efficient use of natural resources and energy and the minimization of emissions.
(13.) Animal and species protection
Our company attaches great importance to animal welfare in its business activities. Speciesappropriate animal husbandry and use is important to us. The companies recognise the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) for the protection of animals and plants of endangered species and align their business activities accordingly. The business partners and their subcontractors are obliged to correct all deviations detected during inspections and to work continuously towards improving social standards. Time, support and advice are available in terms of implementing remedial measures.

NINA REIN will terminate the business relationship without notice in cases where the legislation is contravened despite the fact that the contravention was pointed out to the business partner, a followup warning was issued within an appropriate timescale and the business partner failed to communicate justified grounds for the delay in implementing remedial measures or a serious intention to remedy the contravention as quickly as possible.

Place, date (Company)  -  Name  -  Position  -  Signatur

Unser Code of Conduct ist an die Richtlinien des Gesamtverbandes der deutschen Textil- und Modeindustrie angelehnt.

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